There are interesting adult games on PC already. The problem according to Valve was that it featured "sexually explicit images of real people," although the creator's offer to remove such scenes was apparently not accepted. Recently, the company did deny a Steam release to Super Seducer 3, but not on the basis that it's gross. Steam's recent willingness to sell adult content has opened up a huge untapped market, and crowdfunding allows small developers to find budgets for adult games without any restrictions on taste-or, at least, not many restrictions, as Valve isn't highly selective about what appears on Steam. It feels like Subverse could only really have been made today. I think you've got to want to unlock and watch 3D animated porn for any of it feel worthwhile, but there's clearly an audience for that.

Together, the space and ground combat give the player something to accomplish on the way to meeting new characters and earning more Pooter Points (look, it's what they're called). An amount of strategy was involved, and I appreciate that Lily's melee attack always does 69 damage, but my first impression is that the grid-based combat feels like a side activity-nothing I'd recommend on its own merits, especially not with favorites like XCOM and Into the Breach around. In the first missions, I directed Lily and her creatures against waves of space pirates, using the typical move, attack, and guard actions with considerations for range, environmental hazards, and protecting weaker characters. The turn-based tactical combat I found less fun. I enjoyed slipping behind asteroids to take cover from incoming energy beams, and frantically intercepting penis missile clusters during the butt station defense. The top-down space shooting is reasonably fun. There's a bit where out-of-control "fuccbotts" with "laser cockswords" attack a space station that looks like a giant ass, for example. Other parts make me think of Borderlands 3, if its sense of wackiness were entirely tuned for sex jokes. It's complex enough to include a codex, the voice acting isn't terrible (which surprised me, to be honest), and the self-referential jokes about narrative devices and sex wouldn't be all that out of place in one of the actual Deadpool movies (I will leave you to decide whether or not that's good). In short, there are bad guys who don't like sex and drugs, and Fortune tasks you with building a team of "sexy lady rebels" to fight them. Much of the opening two hours are spent watching cutscenes and listening to voiced dialogue as the lead characters are introduced and the setting is established. Otherwise, well, you play the game, which is a mix of storytelling, chitchat, and combat missions. The human characters, at least, are confident, consenting adults, described as "perpetually horny," which of course enables the fantasy of grazing among a crew of women who are always eager to put on sexual performances, even for a self-described "loser" like the Captain. Fortune, an elite hacker also introduced at the start of Subverse, does have a personality distinct from a sexual fetish, though as one of Subverse's advertised "waifus," she must join the crew eventually (I don't know what her deal ends up being, so I'll leave a question mark there). On Steam, Studio FOW describes Subverse's adult content as being fetish-oriented and "hand-crafted by a team of degenerate neckbeards," and that seems like an honest self-assessment, given that the first two sexual partners are a robot augmented for sex and a woman who mind controls pseudo-animals to fulfill her desires.