Slay the spire heart
Slay the spire heart

They’ll also have a bunch of other relics, even including ones showing you which events they took. This relic also gives them 100 max hp per act climbed to make sure they are balanced for the act they show up in. Their starting relic, Neow’s Blessing, slightly changes the basic mechanics of the game, instead of gaining three energy and drawing 5 cards a turn, these bosses will gain 2 energy and 3 cards a turn instead. These bosses have their own set of relics and cards just as you would if you were playing vanilla. Since you’re playing as an act boss yourself, the bosses that you’ll be facing are the original four playable characters, the ironclad, the silent, the defect, and the watcher, all chosen randomly for each act.


The four new classes are all pretty awesome, but one of the biggest features of this mod are the new boss fights against the original 4 characters, and I’d hate to go so long in this video without talking about it in detail, so I’ll stagger all these features and classes in this video, to keep things interesting. You’ll often be using your HP as a resource while playing the slime boss, because whenever you lose max HP from splitting, you lose HP for the fight, being healed back at the end. This tackle seems really simple at first glance, but it’s really a whole other archetype you can build around, with a bunch more tackles that deal heavy damage to the enemy and to yourself, cards like roll through which negated the self-inflicted damage of the next few tackles, and powers like recklessness increasing the damage of all tackles by 3. There’s only three strikes in the starter deck because one of them is replaced with tackle, a 1 energy attack that deals 10 damage, and three damage to yourself. The rest of your deck is the basic 4 defends and 3 strikes. There’s a common card for each of these basic slimes that summon one and command up to 3 times, but these aren’t the only slimes available, there’s quite a few special ones from events or colorless cards, like the greed ooze who will steal your money when you visit a campsite in exchange for damage, the darkling slimes who will spawn and attack as a group of 3, and a few more! These slimes are an amazingly powerful tool for this class once you start getting some other cards to synergize with them, most importantly any card with the keyword command will cause your front slime to attack that many times, and cards that give you potency will increase the damage of these slimes. This card can be upgraded to split into 2 slimes instead of 1, you only have three slots to split slimes into, and if you spawn more beyond that you’ll absorb the oldest slime and gain strength.

slay the spire heart

The options include a bruiser slime who attacks for 5 each turn, guerrilla slime who attacks all enemies for 3 each turn, the mire slime who attacks for 2 and applies 2 goop each turn, or the leeching slime who attacks for 2 and gives you 2 block per turn. Splitting into different slimes is a huge mechanic for this class, you start off with the basic split card, that let’s you choose one of the four basic slimes to split into. There are a lot of different attacks that gain a bonus effect when consuming goop, like leeching strike gaining block equal to the amount of goop consumed.

slay the spire heart slay the spire heart slay the spire heart

There are a ton of cards that apply and manipulate goop, like a whole set of different licks that apply a small amount of goop alongside other effects like gaining block, applying vulnerable, and much more for 0 energy each. Your starting deck comes with corrosive spit which applies 6 goop for 1 energy, a stacking debuff that simply makes your next attack deal that much extra damage. The heart of goo starting relic now makes you heal 2 hp whenever you consume any goop. The classic slimebound class mod is still available for those who still want to play it, this slime boss class keeps a lot of the same ideas and archetypes, but changes up a whole bunch of things. This class is actually an updated and heavily reworked version of the slimebound mod by modder michael mayhem, most of the classes of downfall are heavily reworked and re-balanced versions of his old mods, which is really awesome to see all of his work come together in one package. Like I said, the slime boss is the very first class you’ll have unlocked with this mod before you beat act 1 to unlock the next class.

Slay the spire heart